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How do hormones cause jawline acne breakouts in women?

Many people have learned about girls and their hormones, leading them to believe that this is exactly what makes women emotional and sometimes moody. Some have heard of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, otherwise called PMS, and its effects on females' moods and acne outbreaks. But few people know the science supporting a woman's hormones, and furthermore, how those hormones have an effect on the skin. Hormones: Hormones are chemical messengers that travel from glands to cells in different parts of the body, triggering biological reactions and functions. They are key in adolescence, when a young person is going through puberty. Hormonal Acne: While acne typically first appears during puberty, hormonal acne usually begins from the early-to-mid twenties and may persist well into adulthood. When specific oil producing hormones are triggered, acne breakouts are the outcome. Normally, feminine skin tends to break out before or during the menstrual cycle. This is due to chan...

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